published & maintained by URSULA HENSCHKE - URSA'S SIGNUM - est. 1993
The Netherlands
Hip Results Statistics (based on 2365 entries)
FCI Dogs Percentage OFA
A 1836 77,63% Excellent, Good
B 253 10,70% Fair, Borderline
C 74 3,13% Mild
D 25 1,06% Moderate
E 19 0,80% Severe
There are still 3 different classifications for hip results, OFA for USA, FCI for all FCI countries and BVA for the UK and Australia. Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Czech Republic now use FCI standard, but there are so many old results in the database, I also need them for the following query. To simplify the results table all results are combined in FCI respectively OFA results according to the below table.

OFA FCI BVA Germany/Austria Netherlands Czech Republic
Excellent A1 0-4 (no > 3/hip) Normal/Kein Hinweis/Frei - 0
Good A2 5-10 (no > 6/hip) Normal/Kein Hinweis/Frei - 0
Fair B1 11-18 Verdächtig/Fast Normal Tc 1
Borderline B2 19-25 Verdächtig/Fast Normal Tc 1
Mild C 26-35 Leichte +/- 2
Moderate D 36-50 Mittlere + 3
Severe E 51-106 Schwere ++ 4

               FCI includes "old" European results